Welcome to Hope Lutheran Church
Aurora, Ohio
We are a family of believers with Jesus Christ as our center. We are happy to welcome you and share with you the message of God’s love in Jesus Christ.
Worship with Us
Sunday worship service begins at 10:00 a.m.
Adult Bible study begins at 9:00 a.m.
Sunday School is held on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month during worship.
Learn with Us
Discover several different Bible studies that investigate Books of the Bible, study books, and Biblical topics.
Connect with Us
Explore current outreach and volunteer opportunities, social events and ways to stay connected.
Latest News
Sunday’s sermon can be heard here:
Thanksgiving Meal Bags Help Our Community
Many thanks to all who generously increased donations for the growing need of the Thanksgiving Meal Bag packing event this year.
Hope’s members, friends and preschool provided enough food to feed 143 people here in Aurora for the holiday. 35 bags of non-perishable food items were assembled by the children of the church and received a special blessing at the end of worship.
Each bag was also supplied with a frozen turkey and pumpkin pie before being taken to the Volunteers of America to be distributed to local families.
Thanks to Dave B. and Becky B. for their many efforts to organize and coordinate this outreach event each year.