Welcome to Hope Lutheran Church
Aurora, Ohio
We are a family of believers with Jesus Christ as our center. We are happy to welcome you and share with you the message of God’s love in Jesus Christ.
Latest News
Sunday’s sermon can be heard here:
Pastor Esala Officially Installed at Hope
Hope enjoyed the official installation of Pastor Esala on Sunday, February 9th. The installation was conducted by Rev. Dr. Kevin Wilson, President of the Ohio District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and attended by numerous other pastors. We look forward to continuing the shared ministry between Pastor Esala and our church!

Lenten Services and Suppers
Lenten services and suppers will be held on Sunday evenings during the season of Lent beginning March 9th through April 6th. A brief service marking the season of prayer and reflection begins at 5:00 p.m. followed by a light supper. Sign up sheets to attend each week are available on the welcome table. See Dawn G. or email her at dghlc456@gmail.com with any questions.

Easter Illustration Ministry
If you can color, we need you! For the second year in a row during the season of Lent, Hope’s members are invited to be a part of a congregation wide illustration that will be on display for Easter. 36 individual parts of a larger picture need to be colored so they can be assembled for Easter. The simple directions and coloring supplies will be available in a basket on the welcome table starting March 9th. All colored pictures need to be returned to the basket by April 6th.
Generous Soap Donations
Thank you to the many members and friends who generously shared God’s gifts by donating 159 bars of soap, 30 bottles of shower wash, and 47 bottles of hand soap for the Center of Hope in Ravenna and Redeemer Crisis Center in Cleveland. The combined donations from Hope’s preschool as well as through a Thrivent Financial grant will be delivered to both food banks that provide necessary toiletries for those in need in our communities.

Prayer Square Ministry Has Begun
Our LWML (Lutheran Women in Mission), with the help of MANY women in the congregation have begun a Prayer Square Ministry. As they are stitched, the person prays for the person who will receive it. Placed in a pocket or backpack or purse, the prayer square serves as a reminder: a reminder to pause and pray and a reminder that someone has already prayed for you. Please take one to give to someone you know (does NOT have to be a member of Hope) who needs a reminder that Jesus is just a prayer away.